What tables will be vacuumed at the next autovacuum cycle?
Someone recently asked me if there was a way to tell which table(s) are slated for VACUUM
at the next autovacuum cycle. I couldn’t find any results after a short search on Google, so I decided to come up with my own query. According to source, a table is slated for vacuum when threshold = vac_base_thresh + vac_scale_factor * reltuples
. With this knowledge, a simple query to determine tables requiring an autovacuum would be:
SELECT c.relname
FROM pg_stat_all_tables t,
pg_class c,
(SELECT setting
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_threshold') AS avt,
(SELECT setting
FROM pg_settings
WHERE name = 'autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor') AS avsf
WHERE c.oid = t.relid
AND n_dead_tup > avt.setting::numeric + (avsf.setting::numeric * reltuples);
UPDATE 2020-09-02
Note that autovacuum will vacuum/analyze all relations in the list that it built up before napping again. Therefore, if a table becomes eligible for autovacuum while autovacuum is processing a set of relations, that table will not be autovacuumed until the currently-running round of autovacuum finishes and wakes up after sleeping for autovacuum_naptime